
Stories by Nicholas Gueguen on Florida Record


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Nicholas Gueguen News

Florida subcommittee to hold PIP reform hearing Monday; Moves to get bad faith reform in the mix may be sidelined

By Nicholas Gueguen |
TALLAHASSEE -- The Florida House of Representatives Banking and Insurance Subcommittee will hold a hearing Monday involving reform of auto insurance personal injury protection (PIP) and could become a showdown between pro-reformers and the trial bar over the move to work bad faith litigation reform into the mix.

Florida Justice Reform Institute applauds legal reform bill

By Nicholas Gueguen |
TALLAHASSEE —  The U.S. House of Representatives addressed necessary changes when it passed the Fairness in Class Action Litigation and the Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency Act of 2017, Florida Justice Reform Institute President William Large said. 

1000 Friends of Florida speaks out against proposed senate bill

By Nicholas Gueguen |
TALLAHASSEE — State Sen. Keith Perry has proposed Florida Senate Bill 996, which would allow developers to countersue for attorney's fees and legal costs if they would prevail in the legal proceedings, according to staugustine.com.

Florida Justice Reform Institute president: AOBs are problematic to insurance policyholders, insurance companies

By Nicholas Gueguen |
TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Justice Reform Institute recently released a report in which it outlined what it sees as problems with assignment of benefits, or AOBs.

Florida Bar launches new website for mentoring program

By Nicholas Gueguen |
TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Bar hopes the recent launch of a new website makes the use of the Lawyers Advising Lawyers program easier for both adviser attorneys and asking attorneys.

Consumer protection attorney for state wins award for pro bono service

By Nicholas Gueguen |
TALLAHASSEE – A North Florida consumer protection attorney was selected to receive the Florida Bar President's Pro Bono Service Award for the state's 4th Judicial Circuit.