

Monday, September 16, 2024

McDonald's Owner Sued Over Slip-and-Fall Incident

State Court
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A slip-and-fall incident at a McDonald's restaurant has led to a lawsuit against the establishment's owner. Angela Warnke filed a complaint on July 22, 2024, in the Circuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach County, Florida, against Heisner Family Partnership, LLC.

According to the complaint, Angela Warnke was visiting the McDonald's located at 6858 Okeechobee Blvd in West Palm Beach on September 21, 2023. While she was there as a business invitee, she slipped and fell due to an unmarked liquid substance on the bathroom floor. The lawsuit alleges that Heisner Family Partnership, LLC., which owns and maintains the property, failed to ensure that the floors were safe for customers. Warnke claims that despite exercising due care and caution for her own safety, she suffered injuries because of the hazardous condition.

Warnke's complaint details several accusations against Heisner Family Partnership, LLC. She asserts that the company breached its duty of care by not maintaining the floors properly and failing to warn her about the dangerous condition. Specifically, she alleges that if reasonable care had been exercised in maintaining and inspecting the floors, the hazardous condition would have been discovered and addressed. The lawsuit lists multiple points of negligence including failure to maintain and examine floors for safety hazards like transitory foreign objects or debris, inadequate design and planning of premises maintenance, and failure to warn patrons about known dangers.

As a result of this alleged negligence, Warnke claims she has incurred medical bills and suffered severe physical pain and suffering. She also mentions disability, disfigurement, mental anguish, loss of capacity for enjoyment of life, expenses related to hospitalization and medical care, aggravation of preexisting injuries (if any), and loss of earning capacity as direct consequences of her fall. The injuries are described as permanent within a reasonable degree of medical probability.

In her lawsuit, Warnke is seeking damages exceeding $50,000 from Heisner Family Partnership LLC., along with compensation for property damage and other costs deemed appropriate by the court. Additionally, she demands a trial by jury on all issues triable by right.

The case is being handled by Workman Injury Law PLLC with attorneys Devon Workman and Kristin Miller Grant representing Angela Warnke. The case ID is 502024CA006847XXXAMB Div: AG.


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