

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Plaintiff alleges negligence by condominium association after Airbnb stay leads to injury

State Court
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A recent court filing reveals a dramatic legal battle unfolding in Pinellas County, Florida. On July 11, 2024, Christopher Barling filed a complaint against Dockside Condominium Association Clearwater Beach, Inc., alleging negligence that led to his injury while staying at one of their properties.

According to the complaint filed by Barling in the Circuit Court of the 6th Judicial District, he was staying at Dockside's condo located at 445 Hamden Dr, Clearwater Beach, FL through an Airbnb arrangement on January 14, 2024. The plaintiff claims that while walking outside the building towards Hamden Dr., he encountered a set of unmarked descending steps which he mistook for a leveled floor. This misjudgment caused him to fall and sustain injuries.

Barling's lawsuit outlines several allegations against Dockside. He accuses them of failing to provide a safe environment for business invitees like himself and not maintaining the premises in a safe condition. Specifically, Barling states that Dockside neglected to mark the descending steps or warn guests about this hazard. "The Defendant so recklessly or negligently maintained, operated or controlled said premises as to cause the Plaintiff to be injured," reads one part of the complaint.

Furthermore, Barling asserts that Dockside either employed incompetent staff or failed to supervise them properly, resulting in unsafe conditions on the property. He argues that Dockside knew or should have known about the dangerous condition long enough to take corrective action but failed to do so. As a result of this alleged negligence, Barling claims he has suffered bodily injury, pain and suffering, disability, mental anguish, loss of earnings, and substantial medical expenses.

In his lawsuit, Barling is seeking damages exceeding $50,000 exclusive of attorney's fees and costs. He demands judgment against Dockside Condominium Association Clearwater Beach Inc., covering his losses which are described as permanent or continuing in nature.

Representing Barling is Jason Tenenbaum from Tenenbaum Law Group PLLC based in Coral Gables, Florida. The case has been assigned Case Number 24-003090-CI and will be presided over by judges from the Circuit Court of Pinellas County.

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