

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Former Employee Alleges Competitor Defamed Her During Supplier Meeting

State Court
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A high-stakes legal battle has erupted in Palm Beach County, Florida, as a former employee of a stone distribution company alleges severe defamation and emotional distress caused by a competitor's malicious statements. On June 27, 2024, Caroline Schoenrock filed a complaint against Eduardo Lagonegro in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit.

According to the court documents, Schoenrock was employed by Stone Mall, LLC as a Financial and Administrative Manager. Stone Mall is a wholesaler and distributor of artificial and natural stones such as granite, marble, and quartzite with suppliers around the world. The complaint states that Lagonegro was involved with Stone Mall and supervised Schoenrock’s immediate supervisor while also running a competing business. Schoenrock accuses Lagonegro of making false allegations about her during a critical supplier meeting on September 11, 2023. She claims that Lagonegro accused her of theft, unethical practices, collusion, and giving preferential treatment to certain suppliers in front of representatives from Graniti—a valued supplier for Stone Mall.

Schoenrock asserts that these statements were not only false but also damaging to her professional reputation and well-being. She recalls how Marcio Damianni, one of the supplier representatives present at the meeting, expressed his disconcertment over Lagonegro’s accusations. This incident allegedly jeopardized Stone Mall's relationship with Graniti and left Schoenrock feeling humiliated and stressed.

The lawsuit details two counts: Slander Per Se and Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. For the slander claim, Schoenrock argues that Lagonegro’s statements imputed conduct incompatible with her profession and were made either knowingly or negligently. She seeks compensatory damages for harm to her reputation and emotional well-being caused by these defamatory remarks.

In the second count for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Schoenrock contends that Lagonegro’s conduct was outrageous and specifically intended to cause her emotional suffering. She describes experiencing overwhelming stress, sleepless nights, and breakdowns as a result of his actions.

Schoenrock is asking the court for compensatory damages, nominal damages, interest, and any other relief deemed just and proper by the court. Additionally, she has demanded a trial by jury to resolve these serious allegations.

Representing Schoenrock is Thomas Zeichman from Beighley Myrick Udell Lynne & Zeichman PA law firm based in Boca Raton. The case number is: 502024CA005993XXXAMB Div: AE.


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