

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Leading With Heart: a Vision for the Florida Bar


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As I step into the role of president of The Florida Bar, I am deeply honored and humbled by the opportunity to serve the legal community of our great state. My journey to Bar leadership has been guided by core principles: integrity, compassion, commitment to service, and a deep desire to drive positive change within our shared profession.Reflecting on my experience, I am reminded of the power of unity and the importance of reaching out to all members of our legal community. I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of bringing people together.

My vision for The Florida Bar is clear: to cultivate a kinder, gentler environment that prioritizes support, collaboration, and well-being. This means not only increasing participation in Bar activities, but also fostering a culture of empathy and understanding among our members.

Too few of our members participate in Bar activities, and too many are missing valuable opportunities for networking, professional development, and community engagement. By using this statewide platform to highlight the benefits of Bar involvement, I aim to increase participation and ensure that the Bar truly represents the many voices within our profession.

I am also committed to enhancing the support available to Florida attorneys, particularly in the areas of mental health and well-being. Our profession can be a pressure cooker and that pressure is, if anything, relentless. It is essential we provide the necessary resources to help our members navigate these challenges and prioritize their mental health. No attorney should feel alone, overwhelmed, or unable to cope. We must ensure that help is readily available when needed.

I believe in fostering a culture of fairness and accountability within the Bar. While it is essential to support our members, we must also uphold the integrity of our profession and hold ourselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct. This means ensuring that lawyer regulation is transparent, equitable, and focused on promoting justice and protecting the public.

In pursuit of these goals, I will be guided by my personal and professional experience. From my family’s perilous journey from Cuba to America, to my years of service as a transactional attorney, to my long involvement in local and state bar work, I have witnessed the power of perseverance, compassion, and collaboration. As president of The Florida Bar, I am committed to leading with heart.

I am most grateful for the relationships that have been forged during the course of my Bar involvement. From the Cuban American Bar Association (CABA) to The Florida Bar, I have met so many dynamic, intelligent, and giving lawyers who have profoundly impacted me. Most recently, some have ended their tenure with the Board of Governors as their paths take them in other directions.In particular, I thank Jay Kim, Laird Lile, Tom Wert, Anisha Patel (outgoing president of the Young Lawyers Division), and, of course, Scott Westheimer for their dedication and contributions to the Bar. Jay would have vied for MVG (Most Valuable Governor) every year if such an award were bestowed and Laird dedicated more than 20 years to our profession. Scott, in particular, left the Bar significantly better than when he started his service, as Executive Director Josh Doyle said, and created a new standard for excellence and Jay, Laird, Tom, and Anisha, among others, played a crucial role in that success.

I am excited about the journey ahead and the opportunity to work with all of you to build a stronger, more united legal profession. Together, we can create a future in which every attorney feels valued, supported, and empowered. Thank you for entrusting me with this responsibility, and I look forward to the work ahead.

Original source can be found here.


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