

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Greta Ponder sues City of St. Petersburg for damages due to a fall

State Court
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In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Pinellas County, Florida, plaintiff Greta Ponder has filed a lawsuit against the City of St. Petersburg. The case (Case Number: 24-001650-CI) was filed on April 12, 2024, and revolves around an incident that occurred on May 2, 2021, where Ponder allegedly sustained injuries due to a fall in a parking lot owned by the defendant.

Represented by Reed & Reed Law, PLLC, Ponder alleges that she fell into a large hole in the parking lot at Sunken Gardens, Florida. This incident led to severe and permanent injuries which have caused pain and suffering, humiliation, embarrassment and loss of capacity for enjoyment of life. The complaint also notes that Ponder's fall activated or aggravated certain pre-existing conditions.

The damages sought by Ponder exceed $50,000 as she has incurred medical expenses in the past and expects to incur more in the future due to this incident. She also claims that all other conditions precedent to bringing this action have been met according to §768.28 of Florida Statutes.

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