
Stories by Russell Boniface on Florida Record


Monday, March 31, 2025

Russell Boniface News

Port St. Lucie man challenges Florida paternity law

By Russell Boniface |
PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. — A Port St. Lucie man is fighting for paternity rights to his 3-year-old son after the breakup of a five-year relationship with the child’s mother, who was legally married when the boy was born.

Florida Justice Reform Institute calls for assignment of benefits changes

By Russell Boniface |
TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Justice Reform Institute is advocating changes to curb what it calls abuses of assignment of benefits (AOB), as well as one-way attorney’s fees for insurance claims awarded to service providers and their attorneys.

Edward O'Sheehan selected as Florida Army National Guard's top military attorney

By Russell Boniface |
FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida – Shutts & Bowen attorney Edward O'Sheehan has been selected as the Florida Army National Guard's top military attorney.

Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals files for bankruptcy

By Russell Boniface |
WILMINGTON -- Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals and its two wholly-owned subsidiaries have filed for bankruptcy protection with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the District of Delaware.

Panama Canal arbitration case heard in Miami

By Russell Boniface |
MIAMI – An international arbitral tribunal in Miami heard the first claim in the multibillion-dollar Panama Canal dispute last month, promoting Miami's growth as an international arbitration hub.

Former lawmaker Rivera appeals ethics violations, challenges House speaker’s power

By Russell Boniface |
TALLAHASSEE – A lawyer for former state lawmaker and U.S. Rep. David Rivera has argued before the Florida District Court of Appeals that it is unconstitutional for the Florida House speaker to penalize Rivera with fines for ethics violations while serving as state legislator from 2002-2010.

2 new judges appointed to Escambia County Court

By Russell Boniface |
TALLAHASSEE – Florida Gov. Rick Scott recently appointed two new judges to the Escambia County Court.

Florida State Law School seeks new dean

By Russell Boniface |
TALLAHASSEE – The Florida State University (FSU) College of Law is currently conducting a national search to fill the vacancy left by Dean Donald J. Weidner, who announced in August 2015 his plans to retire as of June.