
Stories by Heather Doyle on Florida Record


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Heather Doyle News

Florida Supreme Court to review Felon Voting Restoration Amendment

By Heather Doyle |
MIAMI – A proposed amendment to restore the voting rights of Florida felons after completion of their sentences received just enough signatures to trigger a review by the Florida Supreme Court and a potential place on the November 2018 ballot.

Six judges from 1st District Court of Appeals face retention votes

By Heather Doyle |
TALLAHASEE — Six judges from the First District Court of Appeals are on the Nov. 8 general election ballot. These judges are appointed by the governor and then must stand for merit retention votes one year after their initial appointment, and again every six years.

Morgan & Morgan TV ad criticized by defense attorneys

By Heather Doyle |
TAMPA, FLORIDA — Florida-based personal injury firm Morgan & Morgan is getting heat from defense attorneys about a television ad airing in nine states that reveals information regarding banned testimony in car crashes.