

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Clearwater Resident Sues Apartment Complex for Negligence After Slip-and-Fall Incident

State Court

A Clearwater resident is seeking justice after a slip-and-fall incident at her apartment complex. April Lowe filed a complaint against Fairway at Feather Sound LP in the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in Pinellas County, Florida, on September 20, 2024.

According to the complaint, April Lowe alleges that on April 2, 2022, she slipped and fell down a wet and slippery stairwell while taking out the trash at her residence in Fairway at Feather Sound LP's apartment complex. The plaintiff claims that the defendant negligently maintained the premises by allowing an improper means of egress and regress to exist on the stairway leading to the apartments. "The Defendant owed a non-delegable duty to maintain said Premises in a reasonably safe condition," reads the complaint.

Lowe asserts that Fairway at Feather Sound LP breached its duty by permitting a dangerous means of egress and regress in the pedestrian stairway. She further alleges that this unsafe condition was known or should have been known by the defendant due to its prolonged existence. The complaint details various aspects of negligence on part of Fairway at Feather Sound LP, including failure to remedy a known dangerous condition, lack of non-slip treads on an unreasonably slippery stairway, and improper construction violating code requirements.

As a result of this alleged negligence, Lowe claims she suffered multiple injuries including pain, medical expenses, mental anguish, physical handicap, loss of earnings and earning capacity, loss of enjoyment of life, and aggravation of pre-existing conditions. These injuries are described as permanent and continuing in nature.

April Lowe is seeking damages exceeding $50,000 along with costs and interest. She has also requested a jury trial for all triable issues.

Representing April Lowe is Tomas L. Gacio from Abrahamson & Uiterwyk Car Accident & Injury Lawyers based in Tampa. The case has been assigned Case Number 24-004238-CI.

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