

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Palm Beach Resident Sues Local Business Over Alleged Negligence Leading to Severe Injuries

State Court
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A Palm Beach County resident has filed a lawsuit against a local business for injuries sustained due to alleged negligence. Dawn Viscel lodged the complaint in the Circuit Court of the 157th Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach County, Florida, on September 9, 2024, accusing A Bakers Dozen 13 LLC of failing to maintain safe premises.

According to the complaint, Viscel was exiting the second floor of a building owned by A Bakers Dozen 13 LLC at 429 13th Street, West Palm Beach, on March 7, 2024. As she descended an exterior stairway, she suddenly fell due to what she claims was an improperly constructed and hazardous condition of the stairs. The lawsuit states that Viscel was lawfully on the premises as a resident and private invitee when the incident occurred.

The plaintiff's complaint outlines several specific allegations against A Bakers Dozen 13 LLC. It asserts that the stairway lacked proper riser height, paint stripes, had rotted wood, failed to provide adequate handrails, and generally presented a dangerous and defective condition. "The aforesaid fall and the injuries resulting therefrom were due solely and wholly as a result of the negligent manner in which the Defendant...owned, operated, designed, constructed, maintained, managed, controlled and repaired the aforesaid stairway," reads one part of the filing.

Viscel's injuries from this fall are described as permanent and severe bodily harm. She claims these injuries have resulted in ongoing pain and suffering both physically and mentally. The complaint details various forms of damages sought by Viscel including disability, physical impairment, disfigurement, mental anguish, inconvenience, loss of capacity for enjoyment of life, medical expenses for hospitalization and nursing care treatment costs incurred due to her injuries. Additionally noted are past loss of earnings and future loss of earning capacity.

The plaintiff seeks damages exceeding $50,000 plus interest and costs from A Bakers Dozen 13 LLC. She is also demanding a jury trial for all issues so triable. The legal document emphasizes that Viscel believes her case is valid under Article I Section 21 of the Florida Constitution which ensures access to courts for redressal.

Representing Dawn Viscel is Michael Pipitone Esq., from Morgan & Morgan P.A., based in Plantation Florida. The case Case Number is: 502024CA008591 XXXAMB Div: AD.


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