

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cyclist Sues Construction Company Over Negligence Leading to Severe Injuries

State Court
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A hazardous condition left by a construction company has led to a serious injury lawsuit. Dennis Roper filed a complaint against New Wave Fiber Construction, LLC in the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in Pinellas County, Florida on September 3, 2024.

The incident occurred on March 8, 2022, when Roper was riding his bicycle along Sunset Point Road in Clearwater. According to the complaint, New Wave Fiber Construction had left an open fiber optic vault on the sidewalk without any barricades or warning signs. The vault was obscured by one of the company's vans parked nearby, creating a dangerous situation for pedestrians and cyclists. Roper fell into the open vault and sustained significant injuries as a result.

Roper's complaint accuses New Wave Fiber Construction of multiple acts of negligence. The company is alleged to have created and allowed a dangerous condition to exist, failed to maintain the walkway free of hazards, neglected to warn Roper of the danger, and failed to provide a safe environment for the public. Additionally, the company is accused of not properly governing its employees' actions and failing to correct or adequately address the hazardous condition.

As a result of these alleged negligent actions, Roper claims he has suffered bodily injury leading to pain and suffering, impairment, disability, disfigurement, aggravation of pre-existing conditions, loss of enjoyment of life, medical expenses, loss of earnings and earning capacity. The injuries are described as either permanent or continuing with some being permanent within a reasonable degree of medical probability. Furthermore, Roper's bicycle was damaged in the incident.

Roper is seeking damages exceeding $50,000 from New Wave Fiber Construction. He demands judgment for damages and costs as well as any other relief deemed just and proper by the court. Additionally, he requests a trial by jury on all issues.

The case is being handled by attorneys Dean Burnetti and W. John Gadd from Dean Burnetti Law based in Lakeland, Florida. The case ID is 24-003934-CI.

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