

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Luxury Property Owner Sues Residents for Harassment

State Court
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A luxury property owner is taking legal action against two residents for alleged harassment and defamation. On August 25, 2024, Jupiter Vista LLC filed a complaint in the Circuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach County, Florida, against Charles Hinson and Mary Hinson.

According to the complaint, Jupiter Vista LLC owns a luxury residential property at 16955 Haynie Lane in Jupiter, Florida. The company claims that since May 2022, Charles and Mary Hinson have engaged in a relentless campaign of harassment against the tenants and guests of this property. The alleged actions include creating fear among tenants and their children both inside and outside the property, making false reports to law enforcement and code enforcement, staging intimidating displays outside the property, engaging in scare tactics, and making defamatory statements about Jupiter Vista LLC’s business.

The plaintiff further alleges that these actions have included public intoxication, racist outbursts directed towards tenants and owners, and brandishing firearms at multiple individuals. This ongoing harassment has reportedly involved repeated police intervention and code enforcement actions. Jupiter Vista LLC asserts that a public records request revealed collusion between the defendants and a specific code enforcement officer who has been used as a "weapon of choice" by the defendants to cause more harm to the company.

Jupiter Vista LLC claims that these actions have damaged its reputation, resulted in loss of revenue and profits, increased security costs, and caused loss of goodwill among tenants and business partners. The company also alleges tortious interference with its business relationships due to the defendants' conduct.

In addition to seeking damages exceeding $50,000 for each count from Charles Hinson and Mary Hinson for tortious interference with business relationships and injurious falsehoods, Jupiter Vista LLC is demanding judgment for additional costs including interest and court fees. They are also requesting a jury trial on all issues so triable.

Representing Jupiter Vista LLC is attorney Daniel C. Horn from Taylor Day Grimm & Boyd law firm based in Jacksonville, Florida. The Case Number is 502024CA008067XXXAMB Div: AN.


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