

Friday, September 20, 2024

Clearwater Resident Sues Local Magazine Over Defamatory Article

State Court
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A Clearwater resident has filed a defamation lawsuit against a local magazine and its associates, claiming an article severely damaged his reputation. On July 31, 2024, Bassam Minawi filed the complaint in the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in Pinellas County, Florida, against South Shore Magazine Group LLC, doing business as Tampa Free Press, Thomas Brian Burns, and Deborah Childress.

The case revolves around an article published on July 31, 2022, titled "Clearwater Man's Life Becomes Circus Of Lawsuits." According to Minawi, the piece defamed him by falsely portraying his legal battles and personal struggles. The plaintiff alleges that the defendants intentionally published misleading information to tarnish his reputation. "The article targets the plaintiff's character and defames him in his fight for justice to recover losses from multiple sources," reads the complaint.

Minawi claims that due to the publication of this article, he suffered significant harm to his reputation and well-being. He states that he was unable to concentrate or care for himself and others because of the stress caused by the defamatory content. The article was widely disseminated through text messages, emails to millions of online subscribers, and social media platforms like Facebook.

The lawsuit includes four counts: Defamation by Implication, Defamation Libel, Defamation Slander, and Injurious Falsehood. Each count details how the defendants allegedly made false statements with malicious intent. For instance, Count 1 (Defamation by Implication) accuses Deborah Childress of authoring an article based on hearsay and intentionally omitting facts to injure Minawi. Similarly, Counts 2 (Defamation Libel) and 3 (Defamation Slander) allege that both written and spoken defamatory statements were made against Minawi.

Minawi is seeking damages exceeding $100,000 for each count. Additionally, he requests an injunction requiring the removal of the defamatory article from all public platforms including social media outlets. The plaintiff also demands a trial by jury.

The case underscores how harmful misinformation can be when widely disseminated through various media channels. Minawi's complaint highlights multiple legal precedents supporting his claims of defamation and injurious falsehoods. For example, it cites Jews For Jesus Inc. v. Rapp for defamation by implication and Miami Herald Publ’g Co. v Ane for libel standards against private individuals.

Representing himself pro se in this matter is Bassam Minawi. 

The case has been assigned Case Number 24-003445-CI in front of Judge Ken Burke at Pinellas County Circuit Court.

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