

Friday, September 20, 2024

Local Resident Sues Laundromat Owner Over Negligence Leading to Severe Injury

State Court
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A local resident has filed a lawsuit against a property management company following a severe injury sustained at their establishment. On July 30, 2024, Sanquetta Cowan-Williams lodged a complaint in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach County, Florida, against Rifna Property, LLC.

According to the court documents, Cowan-Williams visited the laundromat owned by Rifna Property on September 20, 2023. During her visit as a business invitee and guest, she slipped and fell in a puddle of water inside the premises located at 389 Bacom Point Road, Pahokee. The plaintiff claims that this incident resulted in significant personal injuries due to the defendant's negligence in maintaining safe conditions.

The complaint details that Rifna Property owed Cowan-Williams a nondelegable duty to exercise reasonable care for her safety while she was on their premises. It is alleged that the company failed to inspect or adequately warn her about the dangerous condition of the floor. Furthermore, it is claimed that they did not correct or maintain the premises properly to prevent such hazards. The document states: "Negligently failing to inspect or adequately warn the Plaintiff of the danger of the premises... Negligently failing to correct and/or maintain and/or repair... thus creating an unreasonably dangerous condition for Plaintiff."

As a result of these alleged failures, Cowan-Williams suffered permanent and severe bodily injuries which have led to pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, medical expenses, loss of earnings capacity, and aggravation of pre-existing conditions. She argues that these damages are either permanent or continuing and will affect her future well-being.

In her lawsuit, Cowan-Williams seeks damages exceeding $50,000 exclusive of costs and interest. She demands judgment against Rifna Property for these damages along with any other relief deemed just by the court. Additionally, she has requested a jury trial for all triable issues.

Representing Sanquetta Cowan-Williams is attorney Daniel Chehouri from Morgan & Morgan P.A.

The Case Number: 502024CA007191XXXAMB Div: AA.


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