

Friday, September 27, 2024

Local Residents Sue Furniture Store Over Allegedly Defective Bed Frame

State Court
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Judge | https://www.pexels.com/

A lawsuit filed in Palm Beach County Circuit Court on July 17, 2024, alleges that a well-known furniture store's bed frame caused significant injuries to two local residents. Sheryl Williams and Dennis Scott have brought the case against Badcocks Economy Furniture Store, Inc., claiming that the company's product was defectively designed and manufactured.

The complaint details how Williams and Scott came into possession of the bed frame on March 16, 2024. Just ten days later, both plaintiffs suffered injuries while using the bed frame as intended. The plaintiffs argue that the bed frame lacked adequate warnings and instructions about potential risks, leading to their unexpected injuries. According to the filing, "At all times material hereto, WILLIAMS and SCOTT did not alter, change or modify the Bed Frame," indicating they used it exactly as it was designed to be used.

Williams and Scott assert that Badcocks Economy Furniture Store failed in its duty to design and manufacture a safe product. They claim that the company should have provided sufficient warnings about potential dangers associated with using the bed frame. The complaint states, "The Defendants breached such duties by designing, manufacturing, warning, instructing, testing, maintaining, inspecting, and labeling the Bed Frame in such a negligent manner that it was defective."

Both plaintiffs are seeking damages exceeding $50,000 each for their respective claims. They are asking for compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and other related costs. The lawsuit includes multiple counts against Badcocks Economy Furniture Store: strict liability for design defects and defective warnings/instructions; negligent design; negligent manufacturing; and negligent warnings/instructions.

Represented by Ian Bressler of Ian Bressler Law P.A., Williams and Scott are demanding a jury trial to resolve these issues. 

The Case Number is: 502024CA006700XXXAMB Div: AD.


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