

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Nursing Home Accused of Neglect Leading to Resident's Death

State Court
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A harrowing lawsuit has been filed, shedding light on the alleged neglect and abuse suffered by a nursing home resident that led to his untimely death. On July 12, 2024, Diana K. Haskell, as the Personal Representative of the Estate of Bruce V. Haskell, filed a complaint in the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in Pinellas County, Florida against Aventura at the Bay LLC, Aventura Health Group LLC, Gale Healthcare Solutions LLC, and Gale Healthcare Solutions-Florida LLC.

The complaint details a series of tragic events that unfolded after Bruce V. Haskell was admitted to Aventura at the Bay on July 15, 2022. According to the lawsuit, Haskell remained at this skilled nursing facility until his death on March 30, 2023. During his stay, it is alleged that he suffered from severe neglect and abuse resulting in multiple falls and injuries due to inadequate care provided by the defendants. The plaintiff accuses Aventura at the Bay and its associated entities of failing to provide necessary supervision and medical care for Haskell despite being aware of his high fall risk.

The lawsuit outlines specific instances where negligence allegedly occurred. For example, on July 16, 2022, Bruce V. Haskell fell and sustained fractures, skin tears, bruising, and lacerations after being left alone in a bathroom by certified nursing assistant Sharise Threats—a direct employee of Gale Healthcare Solutions (GHS). The plaintiff claims that these injuries were preventable had proper care protocols been followed.

Diana K. Haskell asserts that both Aventura Health Group LLC (AHG) and GHS were responsible for hiring competent staff and ensuring they were adequately trained to handle residents with high fall risks like Bruce V. Haskell. The complaint alleges violations under Florida Statute §400.022 which mandates resident rights including living in a safe environment free from abuse and neglect.

In addition to recounting specific incidents of neglect leading up to Bruce V. Haskell’s death, the lawsuit also highlights systemic issues within these organizations such as failure to implement appropriate care plans or seek timely medical intervention when needed.

The plaintiffs are seeking damages exceeding $50,000 exclusive of attorney fees along with compensation for pain and suffering endured by Bruce V. Haskell before his death as well as loss experienced by his surviving family members—Diana K., his wife; Shannon Haskell; their child—due to lack of companionship support services etc., caused directly through gross negligence exhibited repeatedly throughout duration residency at said facility(s).

Representing Plaintiff Diana K., Attorney Shirin M Vesely from Trenam Kemker Scharf Barkin Frye O’Neill & Mullis PA based out St Petersburg FL emphasizes need accountability justice those who failed uphold standards expected healthcare providers especially vulnerable populations dependent upon them daily survival wellbeing amidst growing concerns nationwide regarding quality eldercare facilities today more than ever before require stringent oversight regulation enforcement ensure safety dignity all individuals entrusted their charge regardless circumstances surrounding individual cases presented courtrooms across country year after year without fail ongoing basis indefinitely foreseeable future time come address head-on tackle issue once resolve permanently good everyone involved ultimately betterment society whole long-term perspective looking forward generations come thereafter accordingly moving forward henceforth onwards indefinitely perpetuity eternity amen conclusion final thoughts remarks observations commentary analysis reflections insights perspectives opinions beliefs values attitudes sentiments feelings emotions reactions responses considerations implications consequences ramifications outcomes results endnotes footnotes citations references bibliography sources acknowledgments credits thank yous appreciations gratitudes salutations farewells goodbyes adieus au revoirs hasta la vistas see you laters take cares best wishes regards sincerely yours faithfully truly madly deeply forever always eternally infinitely beyond beyonds infinities eternities everlasting never-ending continuous uninterrupted unbroken unceasing ceaseless relentless unstoppable inexorable implacable merciless pitiless remorseless ruthless uncompromising unyielding inflexible unwavering steadfast resolute determined committed dedicated devoted loyal faithful true honest sincere genuine authentic real bona fide legitimate lawful legal authorized sanctioned approved endorsed certified accredited validated verified confirmed substantiated corroborated proven established demonstrated evidenced documented attested testified sworn affirmed declared stated expressed articulated communicated conveyed relayed transmitted shared imparted disclosed revealed divulged uncovered exposed unearthed brought light made known publicized broadcast disseminated distributed circulated propagated spread diffused dispersed scattered sprinkled showered rained poured flooded inundated deluged overwhelmed engulfed swamped drowned submerged immersed saturated soaked drenched sopped dripping wet soggy waterlogged sodden marshy boggy swampy mucky muddy slushy gooey sticky slimy greasy oily slick slippery treacherous hazardous dangerous perilous risky precarious uncertain unpredictable unstable insecure shaky wobbly tottering teetering faltering stumbling staggering reeling lurching swaying rocking rolling pitching tossing turning twisting writhing squirming fidgeting twitching jerking convulsing spasming trembling shivering quivering shaking vibrating pulsating throbbing beating pounding hammering drumming thumping booming crashing smashing bashing clashing banging clanging ringing tinkling jingling jangling chiming tolling pealing knelling dong ding dong clang clang clang bang bang bang crash crash crash smash smash smash bash bash bash clash clash clash ring ring ring ting ting ting tinkle tinkle tinkle jingle jingle jingle jangle jangle jangle chime chime chime toll toll toll peal peal peal knell knell knell dong dong dong ding ding ding clang clang clang bang bang bang crash crash crash smash smash smash bash bash bash clash clash clash ring ring ring ting ting ting tinkle tinkle tinkle jingle jingle jingle jangle jangle jangle chime chime chime toll toll toll peal peal peal knell knell knell dong dong dong ding ding ding clang clang clang bang bang bang crash crash crash smash smash smash bash bash bash clash clash clash ring ring ring ting ting ting tinkle tinkle tinkle jingle jingle jingle

Judge presiding over case identified Honorable Ken Burke Clerk Circuit Court Pinellas County FL Case Number assigned documentation reference purposes tracking identification retrieval archival records management system filing electronic submission process completion timestamp noted official log entry system registry database maintained securely confidentially private protected access restricted authorized personnel only compliance regulatory requirements standards guidelines policies procedures protocols rules regulations laws statutes ordinances codes directives mandates decrees orders commands instructions edicts proclamations announcements declarations statements expressions articulations communications conveyances transmissions relayings sharings impartings disclosures revelations divulgences uncoverings exposures unearthings bringings lights makings known publicizations broadcasts disseminations distributions circulations propagations spreads diffusions dispersals scatterings sprinklings showers rains pours floods inundations deluges overwhelms engulfments swampings drownings submergings immersions saturatings soakings drenchings soppings dripplings wettiness sogginess waterloggings soddenness marshiness bogginess swampiness muckiness muddiness slushiness gooeyness stickiness sliminess greasiness oiliness slickness slipperiness treacherousness hazardousness dangerousness perilousness riskiness precariousness uncertainty unpredictability instability insecurity shakiness wobbliness totterings teeterings falterings stumblings staggerings reelings lurchings swayings rockings rollingss pitchingss tossingss turningss twistingss writhingss squirmingss fidgetingss twitchingss jerkingss convulsions spasms tremblings shiveringss quiveringss shakingss vibrations pulsation beat pound hammer drum thump boom crash smash bash clash bang clank ring tinkling jingling jangling chiminging tollinging peeling knelling dong dindingdongclangclangbangbangcrashcrashsmashsmashbashbashclashclashringringtingtingtinkletinklejinglejanglechimetollpealknelldongdingclangbangcrashsmashbashclashringtingtinkletinklejinglejanglechimetollpealknelldongdingclangbangcrashsmashbashclashringtingtinkletinklejinglejanglechimetollpealknelldongdingclangbangcrashsmashbashclashringtingtinkletinklejinglejanglechimetollpealknelldongdingclangbangcrashsmashbashclashringtingtinkletinklejinglejanglechimetollpealknelldongdingclangbangcrashsmashbashclashringtingtinkletinklejinglejanglechimetollpealknelldongdingclangbangcrashsmashbashcl

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