

Monday, September 16, 2024

Woman Alleges Negligence Against Property Management Company Over Severe Injury

State Court
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A woman has filed a lawsuit against a property management company and its associated apartment complex, alleging negligence that led to a severe injury. Angelina Cecilia Casanova filed the complaint in the Circuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach County, Florida, on June 26, 2024, naming S2 Capital and S2 Jupiter Isles LLC d/b/a The Marino Apartment Complex as defendants.

According to the court documents, Casanova claims that on June 3, 2023, she was a business invitee at The Marino Apartment Complex located at 6705 Mallards Cove Rd, Jupiter, Florida. During her visit, she slipped and fell due to hazardous conditions on the premises. Casanova alleges that both S2 Capital and S2 Jupiter Isles LLC failed to maintain a safe environment for their business invitees by allowing mold or other substances to accumulate on the floor. "The Defendant owed to its business invitees a duty to provide a reasonably safe environment," states the complaint.

Casanova accuses the defendants of multiple acts of negligence including failing to maintain the floor in a reasonably safe condition, failing to warn of dangerous conditions, not placing barricades or signs to alert visitors of hazards, and neglecting to correct these hazardous conditions despite knowing about them. She asserts that these failures directly led to her fall and subsequent injuries.

As a result of this incident, Casanova claims she suffered significant and severe bodily injuries that are permanent within a reasonable degree of medical probability. These injuries have resulted in pain and suffering, disability, aggravation of pre-existing injuries, scarring or disfigurement, physical impairment, inconvenience, loss of capacity for enjoyment of life, and expenses related to hospitalization and medical care. The plaintiff believes these losses are either permanent or continuing in nature.

Casanova is seeking judgment for damages exceeding $50,000 exclusive of interest and costs from both defendants. She also demands compensation for medical expenses incurred due to her injuries along with any other relief deemed just by the court.

Representing Casanova is Peter Hunt from Rubenstein Law P.A., based in Miami. The case has been assigned Case Number: 502024CA005958XXXAMB Div: AO in Palm Beach County's Civil Division.


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