
Perhaps the BEST resource at The Florida Bar - The Florida Bar Tech Helpline


Monday, March 31, 2025

Perhaps the BEST resource at The Florida Bar - The Florida Bar Tech Helpline

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Perhaps the BEST resource at The Florida Bar - The Florida Bar Tech Helpline - is on site this at the #FLBarAnnualConvention helping Florida Bar members with ALL their tech questions and needs.

What is the Florida Bar Tech Helpline, you ask? Well, earlier this year the Board Of Governors approved a FREE helpline to assist lawyers with routine remote services, including basic troubleshooting, operating system support, and technical setup for home and remote offices. It went through a beta test in 2021 and was a huge success, so the BOG made it a permanent Member Benefit in February 2022.

And LawTech Partners' Adriana Linares, right, and Liz McCausland - the gurus behind the Tech Helpline - are standing by to answer anything you'd like to ask!

If you aren't at Annual Convention, no worries! They can help you any time virtually when you visit: https://www.lawtechpartners.com/techhelpline/


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