
Attorney challenges Florida Bar’s recommendation of disbarment, alleges free speech violations


Monday, March 31, 2025

Attorney challenges Florida Bar’s recommendation of disbarment, alleges free speech violations

Webp general court 07


MIAMI BEACH – A Miami Beach attorney is fighting disbarment after he claims that he was pursued in bad faith by the Florida Bar and even allegedly threatened by a judge.

Peter M. P. Vujin is currently fighting back against recommendations of disbarment by the Florida Bar following a series of events which began in 2009 related to alleged fraudulent activity in his apartment complex.

"I bought a condo at the Mirador 1200 Condominium Association in 2005 and then in 2009 I got a judgment against the developer. The judgment basically proved that the developer unlawfully reserved five out of nine seats on the Master Association Board to themselves, which obviously is fraud," Vujin told the Florida Record

Vujin got a judgment for fraud in his personal name against a number of individuals who he calls "very powerful people."

"They are still very powerful in Miami-Dade County and in the state of Florida," Vujin said. "I had a lot of problems with these people."

Vujin explained that in November 2015, his neighbors, Gunther and Rochelle Gould, committed a murder-suicide at the Mirador 1200 Condominium. 

Though a number of years have passed since this incident, Vujin still is very bothered by the memory, explaining that he was interviewed by the police and detectives shortly after the shooting. While the police investigation of the event found no suspects in the shooting, Vujin explained what transpired with the Goulds' property following their deaths. 

"The bottom line is that Mr. Eric Grabois, the attorney who filed the Bar complaint against me, made the deed that transferred the property of the Goulds' to Mr. Antonio Latini," Vujin said. "I submitted a motion in my counter-claim against Mirador 1200 because I have reason to believe that that condominium basically had no reason to try to foreclose on anyone."

Vujin submitted this motion to Judge Monica Gordo of the 11th Judicial Circuit but was met with an unexpected response. 

"Judge Gordo basically threatened me with contempt of court and she brought several deputies right behind my back, telling me that I needed to behave and know my place," Vujin said. "Mr. Grabois was representing Mirador 1200 Condominium Association in that lawsuit and I found out that Mr. Latini, who was Mr. Grabois' client, is now on the board of directors for Mirador 1200. He was the new owner of the unit in which the Goulds lived and at that point I realized that I had to leave."

Vujin decided to leave the state of Florida and moved to Canada, where he has family, while the tension eased back home. 

"Mr. Grabois then filed a Bar complaint with the Florida Bar against me, alleging what amounts to violations of my free speech rights, and I have some very good evidence that some very powerful people are stealing from the Mirador 1200 Condominium, which I had proof for in 2009 that it was a fraudulently organized and operated condo association."

Vujin was served with a complaint by the Florida Bar whose main complaint in regards to Grabois was that the statements made by Vujin were unfounded.

"I felt that I should be able to stand up for my free speech rights and that no one should be able to silence me. Every American has a right to free speech, especially in statements made in court and no judge or even the Florida Bar should judge me or accuse me," Vujin said. 

The Florida Bar struck from the record all documentation that Vujin submitted for the case that was brought against him by the Florida Bar. Vujin filed an appeal.

Despite the Bar's belief that Vujin v. Mirador 1200 case was frivolous, in which Vujin proposed that the condo association was guilty of racketeering and enforcement of a lien that does not exist, no court has viewed this case as a frivolous one so far.

"They obviated the needs for the court of Florida because right in the middle of the lawsuit they filed this Bar complaint, which caused me to leave the country," Vujin said.

The Florida Bar declined an interview, stating that "the Florida Bar does not comment on pending litigation and/or disciplinary cases, however, any positions of the Bar are in documents filed with the Supreme Court, and you are free to quote them. This is a pending case."

Additionally, Randy Enwright at Enwright Consulting, an expert on Florida politics, stated that he was conflicted from commenting on the case.


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