
Matthew Harrod brings business acumen to Jacksonville's Brennan, Manna & Diamond


Monday, March 31, 2025

Matthew Harrod brings business acumen to Jacksonville's Brennan, Manna & Diamond

Matthew harrod

Matthew Harrod

JACKSONVILLE – The law firm of Brennan, Manna & Diamond recently welcomed Matthew Harrod to the Jacksonville office. 

Harrod’s legal expertise includes probate and trust administration, business planning and contracts, wealth preservation and asset protection, trademark filings, creation of 501(c)(3) organizations, and trust and estate planning.

It’s the latter that sparks the most enthusiasm. 

“I like all of them, but I’d have to say that estate planning is my favorite,” Harrod told the Florida Record. “A lot of other areas of the legal profession involve some sort of dispute. With estate planning, you are preparing everyone so that there won’t be a dispute.”

Harrod’s knowledge and experience are a good fit with a firm that specializes in helping entrepreneurs and companies successfully navigate the sometimes treacherous minefield of taxes and government regulations at federal, state and local levels. Harrod represents individual and commercial clients, as well as businesses of all sizes. He also contributed a chapter to the 2011 edition of "Inside the Minds: Strategies for Trusts and Estates in Florida."

Though Harrod has diligently applied himself to the study of law over the years, receiving a bachelor’s degree from the University of Toledo, a juris doctor from Ohio Northern University, and a postgraduate legal degree with a taxation specialty from the University of Miami, he also maintains a solid presence in the local community through his involvement with the nonprofit organization, True Blue Navy Families Benefactors. 

“My father and older brother were both in the Navy,” Harrod said. “I would have also enlisted, but I am a Type 1 diabetic. Having the chance to be involved in True Blue was my way of being in the Navy, I guess you could say.”

His board member emeritus position provides immense satisfaction in helping to enrich the lives of service families. 

“The men and women in the Navy sacrifice a lot, but we sometimes forget that the families they leave behind while on active duty also sacrifice a lot,” Harrod said.

One True Blue project he's involved in is under construction near Lake Wonderwood, at the Navy base in Mayport.

“The Lake Wonderwood multi-use trail will be a multi-faceted recreational amenity that includes fitness, environmental education, family gathering opportunities and passive recreation," he explained.

What challenges this accomplished attorney? He says it is the never-ending struggle to balance the need to do great work for clients and build the law firm business at the same time.

The legal community has noticed Harrod’s hard work. He was nominated for the Ultimate Attorneys 2015 list by the Jacksonville Business Journal. Down time finds him golfing, watching football, or spending time with family and friends.

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