FORT LAUDERDALE – Successful South Florida attorney and marijuana lobbyist Nicole “Nikki” Fried, who announced the formation of a new law firm earlier this month, said she hopes her example is an inspiration for other women active in politics and public advocacy.
TALLAHASSEE – Attorneys in Florida have become victims of spam emails with malicious malware incorporated. The spam emails were meant to look like they came from The Florida Bar, which the attorneys are members, using the email address.
TALLAHASSEE – The Florida Bar has elected two new members and one incumbent to the Bar’s board of governors after a runoff vote settled three of five contested races.
TALLAHASSEE – Florida attorneys look forward to a new section of the state’s Bar association that will focus on animal law – a growing area of interest that intersects with almost every area of law, from contracts to sports to criminal law.
TALLAHASSEE – A study sent to female members of the Florida Bar's Young Lawyer Division (YLD) revealed a significant number of women had experienced gender bias.
ORLANDO – The Florida Supreme Court disciplined 14 attorneys in February. Among them, two attorneys were disbarred, one had his license revoked, five were suspended, six were publicly reprimanded and one was put on probation
ORLANDO – In a sign that the Florida Bar is taking a no-nonsense approach with its members, it disciplined four lawyers earlier this month for wide-ranging offenses.
ORLANDO – A recent survey by the Young Lawyers Division (YLD) of the Florida Bar Association (FBA) found that young female attorneys are experiencing gender bias, employer insensitivity and even harassment in the workplace.
TALLAHASSEE – A joint House and Senate initiative to make judicial term limits part of Florida's constitution seems to have quietly died, but it was the wrong approach and a counter proposal won't be made, a Florida Bar Association chairman recently said.
TALLAHASSEE – A Live Oak attorney is one of a relative few lawyers who has endured legal discipline in the state, according to statistics provided by the Florida Bar.
ORLANDO – Robert Hosch Jr., the founder of Butler & Hosch law firm, has begun the process to resign from the Florida Bar Association but admits no wrongdoing.
THE VILLAGES – An effort to impose term limits on appellate and state Supreme Court judges in Florida died in the state Senate last month, but opponents vow to fight the idea if it resurfaces in the legislature next year.