For the seventh year in a row, Holland & Knight has achieved "Mansfield Certified" status awarded by Diversity Lab, an incubator for innovative ideas and solutions that boost diversity and inclusion in law.
Private Wealth Services attorney Eduardo Arista will be speaking at the American Immigration Lawyers Association luncheon covering key topics across three panels.
Litigation attorney Lindsey Camp will co-lead a Strafford webinar reviewing how landmark U.S. Supreme Court rulings will affect matters involving the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), employee benefits and executive compensation.
Holland & Knight represented Aiga Capital Partners in the formation of its debut climate infrastructure fund with more than $240 million of capital commitments from seven limited partners comprising pension funds, family offices, fund of funds, outsourced chief investment officers (OCIOs), foundations and other institutional investors.
International dispute resolution attorney Katharine Menéndez de la Cuesta will participate in a seminar hosted by Young MIAS exploring the close relationship between Miami and Madrid.
Public Affairs Advisor Tori Deal is serving on the planning committee for the 3rd Annual Florida Resilience Conference, aimed at addressing the state's resilience in the face of climate change through beach management, energy and infrastructure.
Holland & Knight Partner Frances Guasch De La Guardia has received the Regional President of the Year Award from the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA).
Tax attorney Kevin Packman will be participating in a STEP Mid Atlantic webinar providing an overview of proposed regulations regarding foreign trusts and the implications for U.S. taxpayers.
Holland & Knight is pleased to announce that 42 attorneys have been named as Thomson Reuters Stand-out Lawyers. Every year as part of Thomson Reuters' Sharplegal study, more than 2,000 senior in-house counsel around the world are asked to nominate up to three of the lawyers they have worked with within the last 12 months who have stood out to them.
March 1 marks the first anniversary of the completion of Holland & Knight's combination with Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, bringing together two highly regarded law firms to offer clients a broader scope of services and experience, a deeper bench and expanded geographic coverage.
Three transactions completed by Holland & Knight attorneys were named "Deals of the Year" at this year's USA M&A Atlas Awards, hosted by the Global M&A Network.
Holland & Knight Partner Martin J. Alexander, a member of the Children's Harbor board since its founding in 1996 and the former board chair, was recognized for his contributions at Children's Harbor annual Winterfest event, where he was presented a plaque that will be mounted on the Children's Harbor main office building identifying it as the "Martin J. Alexander Administrative Building."
Steven Sonberg, managing partner of Holland & Knight, announced that 46 attorneys in the firm have been elected to partnership effective Jan. 1, 2024.
Mark Haranzo, who chairs Holland & Knight's New York Private Wealth Services Group, will be moderating a panel at the upcoming Institute for Family Governance (IFG) Miami 2023 Conference.
Holland & Knight received a score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's 2023-2024 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), the nation's foremost benchmarking survey and report measuring corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ+ workplace equality.
Financial Services attorneys Andres Fernandez, Gabriel Caballero and Daniel Noste will participate in a seminar covering updates on Venezuelan sanctions.