
Stories by K. R. Nelson on Florida Record


Saturday, March 29, 2025

K. R. Nelson News

Personal injury firm Morgan & Morgan faces lawsuit over advertising campaigns

By K. R. Nelson |
The national personal injury law firm Morgan & Morgan is being sued by Arkansas attorney Jody Shackelford, who alleges that the firm is violating state and federal regulations with its "misleading" ad campaigns, which are approved by its Florida-based founder John Morgan.

Florida’s OIR reports a downward trend in insurance rate filings in 2024

By K. R. Nelson |
The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) has recently noted a downward trend in insurance rate filings for 2024, the first such trend in years. This suggests that the state's property and casualty insurance market is continuing to strengthen.

R Street insurance expert: Florida insurance market recovering after ‘reform legislation’ targeted ‘unmerited litigation’

By K. R. Nelson |
Jerry Theodorou, the Policy Director for Finance, Insurance, and Trade at the R Street Institute, has stated that Florida's insurance market has reaped benefits from legislative reform measures such as capping attorney's fee awards. These measures have led to a reduction in the volume of "unmerited litigation" within the state. Theodorou made this statement in a commentary on April 4.