
Suit: Home Depot worker faced ridicule, termination due to sexual orientation


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Suit: Home Depot worker faced ridicule, termination due to sexual orientation

Federal Court

MIAMI — A former Home Depot worker alleges he faced ridicule, unfair treatment and wrongful termination due to his sexual orientation.  

Roger Perez filed a complaint in federal court against Home Depot USA Inc., alleging wrongful termination, retaliation and other claims. 

According to his complaint, Perez is a homosexual who began working at Home Depot as a garden associate on June 8, 2022. He claims that from his first day on the job, he was left alone because no one wanted to work with him and did not know what tasks he was supposed to complete. Perez further alleges he had no training or supervision, was given confusing work instructions and reprimanded constantly without cause. He claims the reprimands also came with insinuations regarding his sexual orientation. Perez also claims he was given more work than other employees and that no one spoke to him for days, including his supervisor, and that he was wrongfully terminated on Aug. 22, 2022. According to his complaint, he received a right to sue from the EEOC in July of 2023. 

Perez seeks monetary relief of more than $75,000, interest, trial by jury and all other just relief. He is represented by Elvis Adan of The Gallardo Law Office PA in Miami. 

U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Miami Division case number 1:23-cv-23930 

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