
Delta Airlines sued after employees allegedly drop disabled woman, resulting in injuries and death


Friday, March 28, 2025

Delta Airlines sued after employees allegedly drop disabled woman, resulting in injuries and death


Delta Airlines faces a wrongful death accusation in federal court. 

The complaint was filed on April 28 in the U.S. District Court for Middle Florida by plaintiff Michael Lonergan. 

According to the suit, Lonergan and his 76-year-old wife Elizabeth were planning to travel from Sarasota to Atlanta with a connecting flight to New York LaGuardia on June 22, 2020. Elizabeth had suffered a prior stroke and as a result suffered from permanent injuries causing left sided weakness requiring the use of a cane and wheelchair.

Delta employees were responsible for safely getting the woman into her seat for the flight, but the employees dropped her on her side during the process.

On the second leg of the flight to New York, Elizabeth was in pain and discomfort and began exhibiting symptoms of distress, such as vomiting and uncontrollable shivering, the suit claims, but when asked to provide a blanket Delta allegedly refused. 

An ambulance was called for Elizabeth after the flight landed and she was taken to a hospital and determined to have fractured her hip, requiring surgery and intubation.

Elizabeth became unstable during the operation and died, according to the suit. 

Delta is accused of negligence and vicarious liability totaling at least $300,000 in damages requested. 

Lonergan is represented Colson Hicks Eidson of Coral Gables. 

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