

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Man alleges he was terminated by Walt Disney Parks and Resorts after filing workers' comp claim

Wrongful term 11

ORLANDO – An Orlando man alleges he was terminated for filing a claim for workers' compensation benefits.

Craig Heyer filed a complaint on July 2 in the 9th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida - Orange County against Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. Inc. alleging citing the Florida Workers' Compensation Law.

According to the complaint, the plaintiff alleges that on Nov. 14, 2017, he was injured while in the course and scope of his employment working for defendant and filed a claim for workers' compensation benefits. He alleges he was terminated 15 days after filing the claim.

The plaintiff holds Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. Inc. responsible because the defendant allegedly intentionally intimidated, coerced and fired plaintiff in retaliation for having sustained an injury on the job, reporting the injury, and seeking indemnity and/or medical benefits under Florida Workers’ Compensation Law.

The plaintiff requests a trial by jury and seeks judgment for damages, costs and for such other and further relief as is necessary and proper. He is represented by Perry B. Nava and Eduardo Rodriguez of Party & Rodriguez PA in Orlando.

9th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida - Orange County case number 18CA007199

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