
BRYANT & HIGBY: $135 million awarded in medical malpractice case


Monday, March 10, 2025

BRYANT & HIGBY: $135 million awarded in medical malpractice case

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Bryant & Higby issued the following announcement on July 10.

Many Florida residents may know someone who has undergone treatment for a serious medical condition. These treatments are sometimes risky and could permanently injure the patient if something goes wrong. A teenage girl was recently awarded $135 million dollars in a medical malpractice case after a medical treatment resulted in long-term health problems.

When she was ten years old, the patient underwent surgery in hopes of correcting a curve in her spine. She had several rods attached to her spine in an effort to straighten it and provide some relief. However, instead of providing relief to her spine, the rods began causing serious problems. Over time, the young girl began experiencing weakness in her limbs as well as problems controlling her bladder and bowel.

Ten days later, another doctor recognized the problem and had the rods removed. Unfortunately, the damage had already been done. and the young girl had suffered permanent damage. She continues to suffer from muscle weakness in her limbs as well as bowel and bladder control issues. These issues also required the teenager to use a wheelchair for one year.

Patients often understand that some medical procedures come with a certain amount of risk, but few believe that they will suffer from permanent injuries. Patients in Florida who have suffered an injury due to medical error or negligence may be entitled to compensation and could benefit from speaking with a medical malpractice attorney. This compensation may be used to cover current and future medical costs as well as other damages.

Original source can be found here.


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