
Customer blames Orlando market for injuries


Friday, March 14, 2025

Customer blames Orlando market for injuries

ORLANDO — A customer is suing the property owners of an Orlando market, alleging negligence led to injuries for the plaintiff.

Sara Gonzalez filed a complaint Feb. 8 in Orange County Circuit Court against 1st Oriental Market LLC and Ohio Security Insurance Company, alleging they failed to to maintain its premises in a safe condition.

According to the complaint, on July 8, 2016, Gonzalez was shopping at 1st Oriental Market on West Colonial Drive, Orlando. The suit says Gonzalez sustained bodily injury and resulting pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, mental anguish, medical expenses and aggravation of a previous existing condition when she slipped and fell on a grape. The lawsuit states the grape was allowed by a 1st Oriental Market employee to remain on the floor. 

The plaintiff alleges the defendants failed to exercise due care to maintain the premises in a safe condition, failed to make the premises safe for invitees and failed to warn Gonzalez of the dangerous condition.

Gonzalez seeks trial by jury, damages of more than $15,000, attorney fees and court costs. She is represented by attorney Juan Asconape of Schwed, Adams, Sobel, & McGinley PA in Palm Beach Gardens.

Orange Count Circuit Court case number 18-CA-1405

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