

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Anne Goodman and Glenn Goodman sue The Standard Fire Insurance Company for motor vehicle collision damages

State Court
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In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, Pinellas County, Anne Goodman and Glenn Goodman have filed a lawsuit against The Standard Fire Insurance Company. The case number is 24-001444-CI, and it was filed on April 1, 2024. The Goodmans are seeking damages in excess of $50,000 from the insurance company following a motor vehicle collision.

The Goodmans' attorney alleges that on February 3, 2024, they were involved in a motor vehicle collision caused by Patrick D. Slack's negligence in Pinellas County, Florida. Slack reportedly failed to maintain a safe distance and speed, rear-ending another vehicle which then collided with the Goodmans' car.

Anne Goodman was driving at the time of the accident while Glenn Goodman was a passenger. Both were wearing seatbelts during the incident. They claim to have sustained permanent injuries due to Slack's negligence and careless driving.

The plaintiffs are demanding compensation under their uninsured motorist coverage policy with The Standard Fire Insurance Company. Their policy allegedly provides for $100,000 in uninsured motorist coverage. They claim to have notified Standard Fire about the collision promptly but have not reached an agreement regarding compensation owed under their policy.

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