

Monday, May 20, 2024

Jacques Hagan sues Alejandro Moscoso for motor vehicle collision damages

State Court
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Judge | https://www.pexels.com/

The lawsuit filed by Jacques Hagan against Alejandro Moscoso in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit, Palm Beach County, Florida (Case No: 50-2024-CA-003809-X XX A-MB) on April 23, 2024, pertains to a motor vehicle collision. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant's negligence led to significant damages exceeding $50,000.

On September 10, 2021, Moscoso reportedly owned and operated a motor vehicle that collided with Hagan's vehicle on Interstate 95 within Palm Beach County limits. The incident resulted in substantial bodily injury to Hagan who was the sole occupant of his vehicle at the time.

As a consequence of the collision, Hagan incurred medical expenses and suffered loss of earnings, disability, mental anguish, and loss of capacity for enjoyment of life. These losses are either permanent or continuing and he will continue to suffer these losses in the future.

Hagan is seeking judgment against Moscoso for his negligence and breach of duty. He argues that Moscoso failed to operate his vehicle in a safe manner causing injuries and damages. Furthermore, under the Dangerous Instrumentality doctrine, Hagan holds Moscoso strictly liable for any injuries caused during his ownership and operation of such a dangerous instrumentality as a motor vehicle.


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